Saturday 14 January 2012

Keg Watch

As they say in Aberdeen for a greeting. Fit Likey. Well obviously the big story is the cruise ship in Italian water. However I only wish the people involved that they are found for there families sake. In other news, we have had bird watch, pub watch. now there is wait for it Keg watch, that's right police have decided that  robbers, murderers and rapists are old news. Now they are on the hunt for big shiny metal barrels, called kegs. Ah because there full of alchhol?. No empty empty ones?????. Wait a minute so the police have created a division for this. Yes that's right!, they go on about the police having lack of funding, they complain about the mountains of paperwork, but what if we track down empty kegs, it's criminalinty evolved. What's next instead of crime watch on BBC1 Keg watch. Tonight on Keg watch, Have you seen this slightly looking suspicious gezzer, goes by the name of Keg, metal by name metal by nature. Please stay vigilant check all your pub's could be hanging about in your cellar. In all fairness they are worth a few bob. I mean so much so, that it will be no time before you get Keg Insurance for pubs,  mind you for that to work insurers will need to drum up a little support, boom boom, or should I mean bang bang , xx 

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