Monday 20 February 2012

Get a load of this x

Well after my day off. I'm ready to blog again. Bad news for me today, the car is gone. After constant payments for a blown exhaust and a burst radiator and wheel's needing to be balanced. I have decided to put it out it's misery and now old Betsy will be joining the likes of Besty elite, Samantha and Escort Mark II (names of my car's). It will be crushed and sold for scrap. In the scheme of things, probably what they will be doing with Joe Mcelderey career. In other news Take that singer Gary Barlow has just come a dad again, that mean's he will be cleaning up sick and changing nappies and feeding, and that's just for Robbie Williams. Singer Adelle has been back in the news with the cyber bullying. I mean the fat jokes are appalling , but one that caught my eye. was that Adelle stated that Brit school kept her from having kids. Some bloke wrote no the fact that you were fat and ginger did that. Now that's funny , cruel but funny. Also in the news is that were making Gypsies steal, yes that's right cause we take them out at night hand them a set of bolt cutters and tell them if they don't steal that bike there not a real Gypsy, but a imposter!. One Gypsy said that being  a Gypsy I have to hate the police. Well if that's the case I must be a Gypsy, I'll ask my mam if I we were constantly moved on from the council. Lastly get your eggs quick for egging your teachers house as there is supposedly a pancake rush. Not that kind of rush, mind you with teenagers snorting plant feeder wonder there not rushing out to get there next fix of a pancake rush. If you could get such a rush would the quip I'm off to powder my nose, would be I'm off to flower my nose. Till the morn peeps xx

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