Thursday 20 October 2011

Thursday 21st of October KIng Lear and Go Compere

Yesh kebab, with garlic sauce mate, hello again, just thought I would start the blog with something that's more meaty. So what has been happening since I last wrote on my blog, well I went to higher English, were doing King Lear, it's all incest, and murder and lies and deception. Sounds like a night out in Glasgow. However King Lear is pretty good, to be honest. Yes I'm not a lord or a scholar, me in fact I was a bit of a rouge, However I have always yearned for freedom of art expression, it burns like a fire. For example if I had a cup of tea and a biscuit , I would always swerve the custard cream for the viscount. Well joking aside, I have always had the arts in me, as believe it or not always wanted to go and see a Shakespeare play acted out live. Not sure if I would get bored or not, but never know till you try. I have a couple of gigs on the horizon, well 4 to be precise, 2 compere ones, but know what I'm doing now and not let the nerves get to me and be nice, as a compere you are the audiences friend, first and foremost. Babysitting tomorrow my two gruesome twosome , nephews, wonder what they will get up to, mischief no doubt and lots of it,,,,,,,, but hey ho these things you have to do for your loved ones,,,,, well better go, thanks for taking the time to read my blog big kiss x

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