Sunday 9 October 2011

Sunday 9th October, X-Factor

Right Ok, what the fuck is going on with x-factor, what the hells is going on. How can you take people lives and play with them. Tonight was worng in every sense of the word. Not so much about who got through. More the fact of the maniuplation of taking people and putting them through it. I think this will be the worst x-factor to date. I am so glad I decided to sky+, this. I tried to watch 16 singers that to be honest I could not be bothered to watch in the first place. However like most it's my guilty pleasure such as watching 40+ on televesion x, the last part is a joke. Anyway all you can hear is the same bloody comments , your going to be one to watch in the competition, your the best of the night, i'm going to take a chance on him. All they went on about was the bloody personality , looks and image. What about the singing, though. How did Jhonny go through, he can't sing, a bloody note. I'm not sure if I can watch 12 weeks of this, I feel joe public are going to feel the same. Also Tulisa is a total cunt, I mean a total cunt. Even during the judges house, she split up a boyband group and formed her supergroup, but what of the guys she dunted............. On another note I did a x-factor at Fraserbrugh , this gig is mental, however worth doing. There was one guy that did one joke and walked off, however it;s a bar enviornment. It's going to be tough and takes us out of the comfort zone, and into the cast of 300, as every time I go out there, i quote tonight we dine in hell, and its bloody hard but hell tastes so good

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