Saturday 8 October 2011

Saturday 8th of October

Hello my bloggy chums and gals, not enough happening in the news, so i'm going to go on about my motivation for the gym. I cannot be bothered with it, it's so dull. Don't get me wrong, once im there and get into it, I feel good like James Brown good. It's just getting there, is the problem. I have to give myself a bloody 3 hour window to get there. I watched Man on Fire, no not the youtube clip of John Smeaton punching a burning terriost in the face, but the awful Man on Fire with Denzil Washington and director Tony Scott, who somehow likes to throw the film about like a caught fish, the camera angles swings from angle to angle , that you get to the point of feeling sea sick. What is the story about, you have to wait 30 minutes to see a girl swimming in competitions and wining, then a uncomfortable Denzil Washington getting aqquainted with her a little to much. Why is Christopher Walken there to make up the numbers. I had a bloody migrane by the end of this film so much that if a woman said to me, I cant have sex tonight I have a migrane, I would say yeah right what have you been doing that causes a migrane , and she replied tried to watch 40 mins of Man on Fire, I would say fair point, can I get you some aspirin

off to the brock to do a gig out there, Fraserbrugh, buzzing like a 14 year old child with a tin of lighter fluid. Speak the morn


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