Saturday 11 June 2011

Texan Horrors

Hey my Sweddish chums. Just kidding How is everyone, I have a job, I have a job. So smiling again, bloggs won't just be rants of major depression. They will be fun and humorous OK and ranty. However they might not be daily. I will be shattered after work. I was watching Wrong Turn, the horror film. It's when the cousins mate with each other and then start killing all the tourists, in Texas of course. It's always Texas they base the horrors on, I know that horrors are not real. However I have no ambition to visit Texas in my life, especially not in a white camper van, with two female friends with big tits. There always in a Texan horror film and always one of them gets chopped up. See what annoys me about Wrong Turn, or any Texan horror. They always ask a weirdo directions. Why do they go near these shops, why not wait, till they meet someone that has good fashion . Instead of asking a mother that has a son that was bullied at school for 18 years and happens to carry a chainsaw for good measure. If I met anyone like they meet. I would be like fu*k the holiday. Were going home. See what I love about Wrong Turn that they escape the monsters but at the end he still go's back and knocks fu*k ou of them all, effing class, take that ye wan*s xx

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