Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Toothpaste ads grrrrrrrrrr

Hellllllllllllllllllllooooooooo   Yes well, toothpaste adverts, do my nut (head) in. This always have some smug bastar* on there advert. Then you have the cunning terminology that they like to throw in, like fluoride crystals, crstalisazation, etc.... Then they have the smug bast*ard making on how using this toothpaste changed there life. Oh yeah toothpaste changed there life, we have a warrant to search your house as you have been accused of dealing cocaine to minors, in the jail, for 8 year term. Then get out tempted back to the high life or making Lot's of money off of wanker* such as Charlie Sheen. However just on the day you were going to pick up your lorry load of cocaine, you decide that you need a bite to eat, so stop and buy a sandwich. Then out of the blue, a man selling collgate asks you to brush your teeth with some collgate, you have a aphimpny moment and decide not to sell any more drug's and choose a lawful path, then your phone rings, you answer it and it's Charlie Sheen asking where his score of coke has gone, and you tell him, I chose toothpaste and it has changed my life around,       BOLLOCCCKKKKSSSSSSSSSS

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