Friday, 3 June 2011

Chery Cole

Friday 3rd of June      So whats the big horray in the news this week, you may ask. It's the Chery Cole being dumped by the x-factor. Shame after her massive bout of life threatening malaria??? and her marriage to her footballer going tits up, what how??? pftttttt. I mean Cheryl Cheryl, sorry but I don't think I will be  the first person to laugh at your dilemma. I don't feel that you were axed cause of your Geordie accent. You went over to America and the yanks, were like who the f*ck is this. You were like I cant sing, I can barley dance, I don't write my own songs. However I know WILL I AM. There like so, then they watched your videos and thought, well there not very good are they. Then they said but she got to number 1 in the UK. Then they thought she must be kind of OK, then they realised that Dizze Rascal got to number 1, along with westlife, four of them were who are Westlife, while one of them said exactly. Now people feel sorry for her, awww didums, the media got her to number 1, not her. As lets face it fight for this love was pretty shit. As for her accent come on now. Try coming from Aberdeen, we can't get our accent understood past Abroath (small Scottish town, full of mutants). So get it up ye, the crown has fairly come off the pretty head of yours, go back to that band, you know the one you were a backing singer for, the one you left for the chance of fame, the one that writes none of there own songs, cant mind, f*ck it, fuc* off Cheryl,

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