Wednesday, 1 June 2011


Wednesday 1st June.... Well here are we people, June has arrived, get up and look out at that big summer sun, here we go just draw back the curtains and look at the big dirty rain cloud. Oh well next year. I watched a classic last night, Arnold Scwharzcheating in the Running Man, he will be when he gets the bill through for his divorce. I have not see it in years, forgot how mental it was, there is a line in it, when Arnie is captured, this woman says wow a man like that think what he would do to you, rape you and then kill you or rape you then kill you. Now follow me what I'm about to suggest as it's true, Killion remind you of anyone, he's cheesy, total cunt, all about the ratings, doe's not care about anyone but himself, self important and would piss on his own grandmother for ratings, yes KILLION is SIMON COWELL,. The film is cac* but ace, deaths and fighting and even opera. Love Arnie and his quotes. I mind I went mental watching Batman and Robin and Arnie who played Mr Freeze, would say the worst Ice jokes known to man. Then watching the running man, there just as bad, such as Dynamo that full of lights, shouting hey come and get me Christmas tree, light bulb, killer lines Arnie, tit

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