Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Willy Wonka

  • Wednesday 8th of April   Good day, are things beginning to change for me. I have a compere slot at Inverurie, I have a date on Friday and I passed the interview for Lidl's. After the horrific couple of month's that I have had. Ending up in the nut house for depression and getting diagnosed with BPD. However I have fought through it and battled off anti-depressants. I mean the doctor's just throw you tablets nowadays like the Willy Wonka from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The last time I was there, you sure you doing alright son, here try the orange sweet, what's next the Oompa Loompa's burst into the surgery and start singing, Oompa Loompa Dooppe Do, He has a pill for your mood, what do you get when you fall apart, and the give the wrong woman another piece of your heart, you end with depression, start self harming, that can be very alarming, Well I'm guessing it would be along those lines. Plus there so catchy song's that the whole surgery would be joining in then the Doctor who has now morphed into Willy Wonka, is Open your hand and take the pilllll I offfer you, you willl see it's okk, it willl make you bettter, now things might be starnger but dont be alarmeed you will be fine however you could beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee adddicted and you willll seee me every weeeeek (mind the solo when he slows down try to sing to that tune. Till the morn you fool hardy fools x

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