Sunday, 17 April 2011


  • Sunday the 17th April        Sunday bloody Sunday, what a boring day Sunday is. Especially from 5pm to 7pm. There is nothing on the telly. I feel sorry for the people without Sky, oh and the church goers. I couldn't think of a worse day to sit in a church and listen to some priest going on about a made up alter world and a made up being. You have probably noticed now that I'm a atheist.             I got one of that scam emails through the day. It said that it was from the FBI and they had a gold card with 22,000 dollars, all I had to do was send my name, photo, and bank details and they would do the rest. My reply was this, Alright glad you got in touch, I'm looking forward to that money, my mother wanted to join to, you dicks. Oh how is J Edgar Hoover getting on, please pay homage to him from me. Also I seen a UFO the other night it had bright lights and beamed me aboard there ship, they told me to get 22,000 dollars by tomorrow or they would come back and conquer earth. I told them no one would believe me, so they handed me a ray gun and asked me to show this to Agent's Mulder and Scully (p.s). How dumb do I look you total co**s, I hope you get caught in your scam, thrown into a county jail, with your roommate being a 22 stone, built like a brick shit house of a cell mate, who personnel delight is reaming guys, especially ones that use Internet scams, as back in the 80s he was once taken  for a mug by a Internet scam ,

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